What are CUTA's primary responsibilities?

  • Negotiate and enforce the contract
  • Provide the best education we can for the district's students
  • Represent the membership in all matters related to their professional work
  • Answer job-related questions and assist in any job-related matter
  • Promote the growth of--and respect for--our profession
  • Work with the community to ensure our schools are the best they can be
  • Promote the strengthening of public education
  • Work to ensure adequate funding to support improvements in public education
  • Work through CTA to elect pro-public education, pro-union candidates

Union Membership: How do I join?

Although your benefits and rights begin generally when you do, you are not officially a union member until you sign a membership application card.  Signing the card and giving it to your Site Representative ensures membership, the right to vote in elections, and membership with our affiliates.